Individuals –
Seeking self-awareness, growth and spiritual development
Seeking growth in Relationships
Married couples – learn about themselves and their partners
University friend groups, learning more about themselves and housemates
Moms and Dads wanting to know how to be better parents
Women in prison
Women getting support through homeless shelters
Alternative Health Care Professionals –
Social Workers
Educational Therapists
Child Support Workers
Staff teams of non-profit organizations
Social Entrepreneurs (20-30 year olds)
Spiritual and Human Development Professionals –
Integral Coaches
Retreats for Pastors and Spouses
Spiritual Directors
Six day Certificate Program at Tyndale University, College and Seminary
Spiritual Book Clubs
Students –
High School and University
Youth Groups
Counselling and Spirituality Program
Spiritual Direction Practicum
Organizations Taught in –
Grand Valley Institution (women’s prison)
Belinda’s Place (women’s homeless shelter and support)
Integral Coaching Canada
The Dam (drop-in for youth on the margins)
Tyndale Seminary and University
Salvation Army (pastors, support workers, ministry teams)